Disposition of All Telephone Numbers - Landline Survey
2017 Pennsylvania Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Sample

Disposition Code Number Percent
Complete 1,789 3.75
Partial complete 150 0.31
Eligible, non-interview
Household level refusal 439 0.92
Refusal after respondent selection 368 0.77
Termination within questionnaire 117 0.24
Selected respondent away from residence during the entire interviewing period 340 0.71
Household answering device 545 1.14
Selected respondent physically or mentally unable to complete an interview during the entire interviewing period 79 0.17
Language problem after respondent selection 6 0.01
Unknown eligibility, non-interview
Unknown if housing unit 3,712 7.77
No answer 1,928 4.04
Telephone answering device, not sure if private residence 3,648 7.64
Telecommunications barrier, not sure if private residence 10 0.02
Contact, unknown if private residence 1,096 2.29
Physical or mental impairment before respondent selection 24 0.05
Language problem before respondent selection 54 0.11
Not eligible
Out of sample 27 0.06
Dedicated fax/data/modem line with no human contact, no eligible respondent 384 0.80
Non-working/disconnected number 932 1.95
Special technological circumstances 1,997 4.18
Call forwarding/pager 0 0.00
Cellular phone 35 0.07
Not a private residence 887 1.86
Group home 12 0.03
Household, no eligible respondent 2 0.00
Precalls 29,177 61.09
Total 47,758

Disposition of All Telephone Numbers - Cell Phone Survey
2017 Pennsylvania Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Sample

Disposition Code Number Percent
Complete 3,998 6.06
Partial complete 439 0.67
Eligible, non-interview
Refusal after respondent selection 371 0.56
Termination within questionnaire 300 0.45
Selected respondent away from residence during the entire interviewing period 113 0.17
Selected respondent physically or mentally unable to complete an interview during the entire interviewing period 4 0.01
Language problem after respondent selection 36 0.05
Unknown eligibility, non-interview
Unknown if housing unit 15,369 23.30
No answer 1,856 2.81
Telephone answering device, not sure if private residence 14,268 21.63
Telecommunications barrier, not sure if private residence 53 0.08
Contact, unknown if private residence 68 0.10
Physical or mental impairment before respondent selection 38 0.06
Language problem before respondent selection 377 0.57
Not eligible
Out of sample 27 0.04
Dedicated fax/data/modem line with no human contact, no eligible respondent 10 0.02
Non-working number/disconnected 4,805 7.28
Special technological circumstances 6,906 10.47
Landline phone 103 0.16
Not a private residence 794 1.20
Group home 71 0.11
Household, no eligible respondent 565 0.86
Precalls 15,391 23.33
Total 65,962